Jr Daughters of the King

Jr Daughters of the King

Did you know that St. Barnabas has a local chapter of Junior Daughters of the King? Junior Daughters of the King provides girls or young women the opportunity to grow in their love and knowledge of Jesus Christ while serving their church and community. On Sunday in March they helped the DOK serve our parish…

Safe Churches, Safe Ministry

Safe Churches, Safe Ministry

This course offered by the Institute For Christian Studies gives participants practical tools and resources for immediate application in their churches and ministries. Attendees will receive a curated resource kit (a “swag bag” of helpful materials) to enhance their work. The session will also guide participants through a comprehensive understanding of diocesan policies, equipping them…

Episcopal 101

Episcopal 101

Episcopal 101 is a class for newcomers and anyone who is interested to learn more about the Episcopal Church. The class covers scripture, church history, The Book of Common Prayer, and worship, preparing candidates for Confirmation, reception, or reaffirmation within the Episcopal Church. All are welcome! Beginning January 5, 2025, we will meet in Canterbury…

OSL Healing Prayer Workshop

OSL Healing Prayer Workshop

Learn about Healing Prayer & Forgiveness An exciting opportunity for seekers and those already involved in Christian healing ministry to learn from an experienced leader about the scriptural basis of Jesus Christ’s healing ministry. This one-day event will cover an overview of Christian healing ministry. We will explore various types of healing prayer, methods of…

6 Week Summer Bible Study

6 Week Summer Bible Study

6 Week Summer Bible Study Wednesdays 6 – 7 p.m.June 19 – July 24* Join us this summer for Adult, Youth and Children’s Bible study. Gather in Canterbury at 6:00 p.m. for kick-off. Each session will focus on one reading from that Sunday’s lectionary. Visit the Youth and Children’s Ministry page for more information. Nursery…

Holy Week 2024

Holy Week 2024

Holy Week 2024 was a holy and memorable one, as we joined our Lord on His journey to the Cross and Resurrection on Easter Sunday. The contrasts of “Hosanna!” and “Crucify!” during the Passion narrative on Palm Sunday kicked the week off, and continued with daily Holy Eucharist Monday through Wednesday. Maundy Thursday included the…